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Money & Finance : Pensions & Retirement
Pensions and Retirement Directory
1 - 10 of 11 entries.
Calculate the Present Value of PensionEnables people to calculate the present value of their pension and show how pension payments are affected by cost of living adjustments and inflation over time.https://valueyourpension.com
Compare Annuity Rates - Annuity CityCompare annuity companies using the open market option from Annuity City.https://www.annuitycity.co.uk
Early Retirement PlanningGuide to planning for retirement to ensure a persons finances are in order when they retire.http://www.retirementplans.org/
Equity Release AdviceProvides information about equity release plans, with guides to the pros and cons of releasing equity in a home as a means of supplementing a pension.http://www.equityreleaseschemes.net
Fixed Index AnnuityUse the free online calculator to see how different fixed annuities compound.http://www.fixedannuities.net/
Lincoln Trust CompanyLarge independent providers of trust and custodial services offers clients the ability to hold both traditional and alternative assets in their retirement accounts.http://www.lincolntrustco.com
Pension AdvisorsCovering Manchester, Cheshire and UK wide as pension advisors for private and company pension schemes.http://www.sequencefm.co.uk/private-clients/pension-advisors/
Scottish Widows - InvestmentsInformation on saving and investment from Scotttish Widows. Whatever you want to save for, choose a long-term investment to suit your goals.http://www.scottishwidows.co.uk/investments/index.html
UK Pension TransfersSpecialists in helping arrange the transfer of UK pensions to New Zealand.http://transfermyukpension.co.nz